
Maximum Flow Using Ford Fulkerson

This is a programming assignment for CSORW 4246, an Algorithms class at Columbia Fall 2018.

NYC 311 Shiny App

Final Project for STAT 5702 (Exploratory Data Analysis) class at Columbia Spring 2018. Featured on OpenDataNYC.

Choose Chart App

Class project to help me study different charts in R.

Naive Bayes From Scratch.

Building a Naive Bayes classifier using Python with drawings. Final project for STATGR 5701, Probability and Stats at Columbia 2017 Fall.

Yelp Crawler In Python

Crawls business page for name, location, reviews, stars and price. Get as many results as you would like. 20 reviews on average per business.

Instagram Analyzer App

Uses the Instagram API to gather most recent data and displays findings in a Flask App built on top of Heroku.

Tumblr Text Analysis

Scrape a friend's blog on Tumblr to gain insight into his style of writing and thinking.